Clergymen Letter and Civil Rights Movement

1) Passive resistance is a peaceful nonviolent protest against a law or some sort of higher management or power.  One famous person who practiced this was Mahatma Ghandi.  Many times he encouraged his Indian people to use nonviolent protest against the British.  Another individual who practiced this was Martin Luther King Jr.  Many times he encouraged peaceful protest and boycotting against white segregration laws.

2.) The above photos depict the integration of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas.  In September of 1957, nine black High School Students started to attend Central High after Brown v. Board was passed in the Supreme Court.  The students were accompanied by the National Guard in direct order from Dwight Eisenhower.  The students had to attend school with the National Guard at their company at all times shows how severe racial problems were during the time period.  I also think that these nine students had to be very brave and courageous in order to go through all of the troubles just to attend school.  The white kids were wrong and had no reason to hate the black students for trying to further their education.

2.)  These photos show the aftermath and victims of the bombing in Birmingham that occured on September 15, 1963.  The bombing killed the four pictured above and injured 20 people.  All of this happened when they were attending church.  It's hard to look at the three bombers (pictured below) and not wish the worse upon them.  All three were members of the Ku Klux Klan.  I don't understand how a group or these three people can hate a certain race of people so much that they would kill innocent children.  The bombers ended up getting life in jail.  I wonder if they end up having any sort feeling of remorse today for what they did.  Now that they can look back and realize how many lives they ruined just because someone had a different skin color than them.

3.)  I believe that there is discrimination today.  Not only racial, but also to age, gender, and job.  Everyone needs a sense of superiority over the other it seems like.  The issue of race will never seem to be settled.  White people have done their fair share of discrimination against black's.  But black people can also discriminate against white's.  In example; black people can call each other the "n word" and everything is fine, but if a white person say it in the same context, than they are immediately wrong and racist.  This just shows the double standard that exist today.  Another example is men allow women to work and do the same exact jobs as the males do.  But women tend to get paid less for doing the exact same work as what a man would be doing.

4.)  On my next essay I am going to write about discrimination in the workplace.  One example of how there is discrimination is the topic of women and men.  Women tend to get paid less than a man's job, even though the two perform the same work.  Another topic is discrimination in refrence to seniority.  Many times the better paid, or higher outlook of a task will go to the employee who has been working for the company longer than others.  Even though another younger canidate can be more qualifed and better fit for the task at hand.  I will incorporate the use of ethos by referencing articles and facts from well established sources.  I can use pathos by persuading the reader that a work enviorment should be equal no matter what race, gender, or time spent with company.  I will explain to the reader everyone deserves the same oppurtunity.  Finally, I am going to use logos by explaing well thought out solutions to the problems of discrimination in the workplace.