Sunday, November 6, 2011

Life's Choices

I have been given a great life with very little struggles.  I have always went to bed warm and comfortable on a full stomach and then woke up the next morning refreshed.  This has allowed me to live my life to the fullest.  I value my family very much and spend every minute I can conversing or being with them.  I also value my friends that have been placed in my life and hang out with them whenever I can.  I choose to live life sober and free.  I find that drugs and alcohol are not needed for me to be happy.  We have all been given the gift of life and there is no greater feeling or altered state of conscience that can make life better than for what it is.

As of right now I am taking full advantage of my athletic capabilites and knowledge.  Even though practice and lifting can be a struggle and I wish that sometimes I could escape from the fatigue.  I realize how greedy I am being, because there are people who are bound to a wheelchair the rest of their life and would do anything to endure a little hardship on the court.  This thought is what keeps me playing basketball and continuing my athletic gifts.  I had a very interesting path getting to where I am today on the court.  I started out as a 280 pound left offensive tackle who could have went to any college in the surround area I well pleased.  Until where I am now, having walked on at two different colleges for basketball and made the team at both universities.  I hope to use my current talents and gifts in the future as a story of inspiration to everyone that God has a plan for everyone and that nothing is impossible through Him.